Sunday, January 31, 2010

OPPOSITE DAY: Losing my mind...


My part in the whole ridiculously hellish internship process is pretty much over. I've done all my interviews, I've submitted my rankings. And I guess you could say I've been "recovering" from the 4-month+ process this past week, but I think it would be more accurate to say that I have been not so much recovering as I've been letting all of the repressed stress, anxiety, frustration, exhaustion and anger that comes with being forced by the psychology "man" to beg and plead and jump through flaming hoops in an attempt to be "awarded" the opportunity to be paid a pittance for doing a year of very hard, emotionally grueling work finally come out of me. And by "letting" I don't mean allowing so much as I mean that, by no choice of my own, I turned into a completely irrational, irritable, bat-shit crazy lunatic this week, and have barely been able to hide that fact from those unfortunate souls who've had to interact with me.


It hasn't been pretty.

How to describe...well, we could start with how I've been wanting to sleep for 10 hours every day, and then am still tired and cranky by the time I get home after a day of various meetings/errands/clients. And how I've had a maximum of about 5 seconds of patience for anything that doesn't just go the way I think it should go, right now. This lack of patience extends to all things: the gas station attendant, all traffic lights, the weather, pretty much any person, place, or thing that I've been in contact with. I've been clutzy, too. On the same day, I both banged my head getting out of my car, and managed to lean over the stair railing while vacuuming the stairs and hit my head on the corner of the ceiling. Now, that takes skill, people. I also managed to poke myself in the eye while fumbling around at a meeting that I was supposed to be in charge of, though I could barely wrap my mind around what the hell I was supposed to telling those poor, unsuspecting undergrads to be doing. And I've been late for absolutely everything, everything, all freakin' week. *sigh*

And then there is the pain that my poor husband and dog have had to endure, as I have been moved to yell and complain about something every day this week. The puppy has taken to burying his face in some dark crevice as I begin my freak-out, and the hubby has for the most part just been waiting for my insanity to pass. As am I. It's really no fun to be constantly annoyed with everything. Not enjoyable at all.

I'm strongly considering a solo vacation, something I have never, ever understood the appeal of before, but I'm starting to get it now. I think for the sake of us all I should remove myself for a few days and do some unwinding as soon as possible. Some friends have recommended an awesome spa getaway that I will start researching as soon as I hit publish.

Tranquility, here I come...

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