Monday, August 31, 2009

Stila Lip Gloss (in Apricot)...

Hello dear readers! (Reader?) I'm sorry I've been so remiss lately! Thankfully, though, my absence has been the result of my actually doing school work and gearing up for the internship match process, so at least there's a silver lining to me leaving you post-less for the past month. :) I've also been doing a lot of writing over at, so if you like web entertainment (my topic area), check it out!

For my return post, may I present to you... Stila Lip Glaze!! I discovered this wonderful gem of a cosmetic purely by accident when I need to add $5 to a Sephora order to get free shipping, and they were offering Beauty Insiders a 3-pack mini set of lip glazes for $8, and I am forever looking for the right product for my lips, so I thought, what the hell, and bought it...and fell in love...
The mini set came with three colors, Apricot, Starfruit, and Brown Sugar. Apricot and Starfruit looked like they would be way to light for my dark skin and lips, but I thought that at least Brown Sugar would work. Boy, was I wrong!

It turns out, Stila Lip Glaze in Apricot is the best lip gloss I have ever found!! It's fantastic. It's sheer, but shiny, but not too shiny, and immediately makes me look much more fancy and put together. And I did a little research, and Apricot is the number one color, so I'm certain that it looks beautiful on every skin tone, which is so cool, and so hard to find--trust me, I know!

The gloss is thick (which is why they call it a glaze, I imagine), and it takes some getting used to when applying, but it stays on and shiny for a long time, even through eating, drinking, and licking the lips (which I do way too much, which gives most lipsticks a lifespan of about 10 minutes with me). It comes in more than 20 colors, almost all of which are sheer like Apricot, and I can't wait to get around to trying them all! Field trip to Sephora, anyone? :)

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